A humorous look at the world of sports...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Afternoon Wood 1/2/2007

It's a Happy New Year Bitchessss! Grab a seat, grab a glass. After that I'll grab yo' ass. Welcome to a New Year and another 365 days of "blogging" from this group of sports insiders. And now, on to the wood.

Stud(s): USC and Boise St.
We all know what went down yesterday/last night. The Rose Bowl featured an amazing coach with a great young team versus a horrible coach and a very good team. Dwayne Jarret, abused the Michigan secondary like Ike Turner did Tina. It was truly deflating to watch. In the Fiesta Bowl, we saw the Hook & Ladder, the Statue of Liberty, a post-game proposal (nothing like some cheerleader poozle to celebrate a victory) and in my opinion one of the best finishes to a college football game ever. Yeah I said it. What more could you have wanted?

Dud: Terrell Owens
Not much to say about this. The fact that he tried to kill himself and failed at that (I know, I know...he overdosed on meds - accidentally) makes me somewhat sympathetic towards him. I'm more than willing to help him out if necessary in the future though.

Talk Around The Cooler:
Slowly, bits and pieces about the Darrent Williams shooting are coming out. Apparently Javon Walker was in the car with him when the shooting occurred. They were apparently on their way from Carmelo's party to Allen Iverson's (must....not...make...tasteless joke) party. Our condolences.

Nick Saban has taken issue with the press asking him about his impending decsion regarding the University of Alabama. He says it's a dead story. Considering it's a dead story, I don't think the press should make anything of the fact that he's meeting with U. of Alabama today and will give them an answer, has never fully denied interest in the position nor said he's coming back to Miami. Yup that's sounds like a dead issue. How dare the media make something of this "story."

Oh yeah. Bob Knight...unruly, bushy/fucked up eyebrows...blah blah blah, passed Dean Smith, excellent temper, 880 wins.

Quick Hits:
And the ESPN brainwashing continues. New name, still lackluster talent. Jim Mora, good luck applying for that U. of Washington coaching job, that happens to not be available.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

10:58 PM


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